Sunday, September 14, 2014

Malcolm Campbell's Bluebird V at Goodwood

Goodwood Festival of Speed 2013: Malcolm Campbell's Bluebird V 

Sir Malcolm Campbell’s Bluebird V, which broke the land speed record in 1935, has returned towards the UK after its last visit in 2004.  The Bluebird, which departed on Friday 7 June, arrived in England on 29 June. It‘s currently on display in the Goodwood Festival of Speed, as section of the event's 20th anniversary celebrations.

Goodwood Festival of Speed founder, the Earl of March. said he was thrilled the vehicle was sent over.  The Bluebird,  which reached 276. 82mph at Daytona Beach, USA,  is joined by Donald Campbell’s Bluebird CN7. It‘s the very first-time the 2 record breakers happen to be together because the 1960s. Joining the Bluebirds is Sir Malcolm Campbell’s 350bhp Sunbeam V12 LSR racer, coming from the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu, and Henry Seagrave’s 1927 LSR Sunbeam 1000bhp Tiger. The Tiger happens to be kept in Utah, USA.

The Bluebird V happens to be based in the Daytona International Speedway. The Speedway’s president, Joie Chitwood III, known as iconic vehicle’s creator “one from the greatest land speed record holders in history. He added : We‘re honoured to possess it represent the 'World Centre of Racing' in the 2013 Goodwood Festival of Speed”.

Piers Irvine Malcolm Campbell's Bluebird V at Goodwood.

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